Mikey the racist homophobic Mac hater.

The Following is the transcript from a conversation with my poor misguided friend Mike Glaser. All I wanted to do was share my new ad slogans for Apple computers so I could be on their user featured commercials they have and there goes Mikey…injecting his bigoted views wherever he can… Please pray for him.

Richar900: Greetings Michael. -I was just wondering if you’d take a look at some recent Macintosh slogans I made up. Here’s the first one :
don’t do crack! -buy a mac…. “

MicMan02: thats so gay

Richar900: or how bout “you’re PC is crapple…so why not go apple?” (apple.com)

MicMan02: crapple isn’t a word…

Richar900: -yes it is, look it up jackass (but make sure you have the right dictionary cuz yours might be broken)

MicMan02: ahh yes, i see

Richar900: how bout “if you like snacks – you should buy macs” cuz I mean – everybody likes snacks ya know?

MicMan02: that doesn’t even make any sense

Richar900: yea it does. its connecting the pleasure and easy access of snacks to computer electronics. its genius

MicMan02: iMovie is preloaded onto it…you should mess around with that

Richar900: yea, i want to get the files on my pc on it but I don’t know how. …and I have stuff thats too big for burning

MicMan02: you have single files that are too big to fit on a cd?

Richar900: yea – my short movies are on there like popcorn (not on there LIKE popcorn – but they’re on there.. one of those films being named “popcorn”)

MicMan02: well that sucks large black penis

Richar900: …Michael, that sexual reference is unneeded and offensive. The fact that you inject a color to it makes it a racial slur and that’s wrong. I’m afraid that on behalf of African Americans across the globe I think you should apologize immediately.

MicMan02: is there any way you can chop it up and do it in chunks? (the file, not the nigger dick)

Richar900: Mikey…please…Although I don’t condone racist comments under any guise, I find this particular degradation of African Americans insulting and reprehensible. -besides…im on a PC.. PC’s aren’t as good as macs for many reasons

Richar900: I strongly suggest you look into it more, macs are pretty cool if you just give them a chance

MicMan02: richard….i’ve had a mac for longer than you have…i made that arguement to YOU a long time ago.

Richar900: Mikey…when will you understand? You’ve made these same misconceptions since I’ve known you. You need to change with the times and realize that no matter what you say : Macs are cool, Blacks are cool, and “Argument” only has one “E” . -but it’s fine for now… I won’t hurt your pride big fella any more- its ok

Richar900: we can just move on from here 🙂 (you little rascal you)

MicMan02: but its true…i’ve been telling YOU that YOU should get a mac for years…but you didn’t want to because they didn’t have a right mouse button…

MicMan02: remember, you almost bought my G4…remember richard…REMEMBER!

Richar900: “macs are for macs”

Richar900: -hows that? you like that one?

MicMan02: you’ve only enjoyed their superior performance for a few days now…while i’ve had them in my life for years.

Richar900: “if your name is Josh – buy a MacinTOSH” -what about that? I mean – everyone named Josh will be compelled to buy!!

MicMan02: you’re retarded.

Richar900: “next time you’re at hooters…don’t be like my friend mike glaser who is stupid and hates macintosh computers…and black people”

Richar900: it’s GOLD!

MicMan02: thats the gayest one yet

MicMan02: you can’t buy macs at hooters.

Richar900: no – it just makes you think about it. cuz then you’re like…”boobs…macs…-i want one!”

MicMan02: ahh, i see. i have to go get some lunch….because of your input, i’ll now definetly consider the apple computer corporation when purchasing my next home computer.

Richar900: I’m glad to hear it Michael… now if only I could get you away from the Hate…Away…from the hate… talk to you later homophobic racist Mac hating buddy.

MicMan02: see ya (and death to all those different than me. -especially the black people…I hate them.)

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