Self Grooming is Stupid. (Reason 399-B I need more servants)

Old timey barber shops had it right all along: we are simply not built to shave our own faces. It’s a job for a 3rd party. Or a 2nd party. Or better yet: a political party. Why aren’t there laws forcing businesses to pay for my facial grooming? Because women don’t grow beards? This War On Men needs to end and my right for someone else to pay for my hair removal needs to be respected. The sides of my head need trimming and it’s discrimination to expect me to do it or use my own money to do it myself. These split ends and poofy peripheries are sullying my skull skin, stupidly. Someone please save me form this hell.


2 thoughts on “Self Grooming is Stupid. (Reason 399-B I need more servants)”

  1. I like the cost savings..BUT you would have corporate america destroying barbershops which are the core of american small business, especially in communities of color. It would be harder to have those fresh cuts with fades and numbers etched into the backs of heads. We all know buzz cuts and short military cuts would be the wave of the future. Rock musicians who currently hide their tattoos would now have to shave their heads in order to keep their day jobs!

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