What it takes to achieve my attention

Be pretty.

The end.

I’ll give you a minute. Not a whole lot more though, so be careful. But that’s all you need for initial attention.

Don’t fail this audition.

To get my real attention, a girl has to line up physical attraction with emotional/psychological attraction, with a click of personalities just to get to an entry stage of consideration.

Typically only one of those is common and 2 is rare, so essentially my opening stage is three levels deep.

If you slam all three then you’re already in an elite class. Congratulations!

Even with 2 or all 3 of those rare matches, in order to escalate to a phase 2 of consideration, they still have to obsessively like me for my unique quirky attributes (not just the mainstream ones that its easy for anyone to fawn over me for), live a life I find admirable or can otherwise respect, have a talent or area of knowledge I either don’t have or am impressed that they have, and have some kind of life drive and ambition (they don’t need to have it totally figured out yet but the drive to thrive and not just survive must be there).

If you have passed phase 2 then you’ve basically achieved the highest levels possible with me because I like you. Liking you doesn’t mean I can stand you in long stretches though so if you expect to talk to me frequently (like more than a few times a week or, god forbid, daily) then I need your brain not just respectable but sharp. It’s not enough to just get along together for me to spend a lot of time with you. I need your mind to be active and thoughtful and thirsty for knowledge and learning. You don’t have to understand all my esoteric references and be on my level of problem solving analysis (mostly because that’s not possible) but you need need to be a worthy opponent and partner as far as intellect. Not knowledge. Knowledge is how many facts you know. I don’t care if you don’t know an encyclopedias worth of info (though that would impress me) – I care about how you approach problems and whether you are thoughtful and observant or dense to the world around you.

Now it’s really getting serious…
To reach a Richardland 3rd degree, the first two levels must be supplemented by a combination of unique and impressive preexisting life standards on their permanent record that value them highly as a prize I can not just like but be proud to achieve. I can get along with and appreciate a girl with the above criteria but in order for me to get excited about a girl being mine and submit myself to be fully hers (and actually be happy about it), she needs to have a pre existing record that is uncommon, classy, and admirable. She has to have, to some degree, been living her life in preparation for someone or something as awesome as what I bring to the table. This is especially important in her record of choosing men. If it’s too loose or appears random, I’m not interested in the 3rd degree. Don’t even try.

But if her record of boyfriends is stringent, there are no recent drunken hookups or casual relationships of pure convenience – if it’s provable in your life choices that you know what you are worth and you want me – then congratulations baby: I love you. You won the game. And you know it’s real cuz this blog verified exactly what I look for.



So that should answer your question on why you don’t see a lot of girls getting my attention in public or private: none of you are good enough. But hopefully this list will inspire some of you to be some day. Not necessarily for me but for you. For you to find your own Richards you need to have at least some kind of establishment of who you are and what makes you special and have an idea of what you want and are looking for. Since you’re almost positively not good enough for me: I wish you luck.