All posts by richard

Nephews say the darndest things…

my friggin 15 year old nephew just tried to quiz me with the question “guess who came first: Sonic, or Mario?”… that’s like asking a Nam veteran if they know anything about the war. bitch, I LIVED that. effouttahere.

More gems from my week with the younger nephews:

“you stink butt toilet poop! im gonna fart in yor unda-wear!” & “you’re a butt and you stink like butt, BUTT Stink!”
– Rowan Bushnell, 4

“untle Richard. um. um. uh whats..uh whats ‘gay’? – [fake answer] – “haha. im gay! im gay im gay! haha. im so gayyyy!” – [real answer] – “um.. i dont think thats rilly it cuz if 2 boys kissed eachother they’d prolly go tu jail”.
– Riley Bushnell, 6

“Instead a Easter they should call it Ster-Eee cuz you STIR the chocolate and then you EAT it, so Ster-ea, not Ea-ster…”
– Riley Bushnell, 6

“Touch that again and it’s gonna rain spank-bombs like a Giant’s tears after he found out he wasn’t invited to a birthday party”
– uncle Rich, layin down tha law.

Don’t inot need an iPad?

I just came back from the Apple store and can confirm that the iPad is both the coolest and most useless gadget on the market today. It was hard to leave without one.

I will say this though: if the makers of Etch a Sketch don’t make an app for this thing, complete with “shake to erase” feature, i lose faith in humanity.

UPDATE: I went searching and it exists! Win for humans. although… I remain cautious since there is no demo of a shake-to-erase feature and that is what makes it cool. otherwise its lame as hell. hmmm……  lets hope.

Tyler (from Missouri) in California

Havent talked to Tyler Houser in 7 years. so I was more than a little shocked when I saw him in the produce aisle of the fkking grocery store here in Southern California…

I walked 2 steps into Ralphs here in Thousand Oaks and hear “RICHARD!”. I look out yonder past the oranges and a tall bearded Lumberjack is approaching me. I dont recognize the face so clearly this is a stranger mistaking me for someone else or talking to someone behind or nearby m—oh my god it’s Tyler…

(videos of me & tyler here: – though they use the old player which is very buggy now)

The day that Ryan resurfaced…

Sweet butterscotch Magillicuddys… Ryan Macullaflulla, alternatively known as Evil Ryan just fulfilled the prophecy I layed out in 2003. (see previous posts here: – theres about 10 more, plus like 13 in the RTV section, but they’re on a different database that wont be on the site till the new format is completed and all the old archives are merged into the new richardland 3.0 coming in 2010).

Quick recap: in the summer of 2001 i started a romance with the vapid skank in princess’s clothing seen here: Fast forward to spring of 2003, and my most trusted buddy and bestest friend Ryan is fucking her while I think she’s “with her mom looking at colleges” for the weekend. turned out that “her mom” was really my former best friend and most loyal lacky, Femanine Mikey and the “colleges” she was looking at was Ryans dick. I know – funny, right? Well its the only time outside of watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition that I’ve cried in the past 10 years, so fuck those guys.

Oddly though, I predicted the following in this post on richardland shortly after the incident in 2003:

Actually, as weird as it sounds – if i could see a future friendship with any of these assholes coming about it would be, ironically, Ryan… the guy who fucked my girlfriend. While sluthole Alice and faggetine Mikey will no doubt pull the bullshit “i’m sorry” song and dance within coming years – or WORSE – the “hey bro, whats up? lol. how ya been man??” horseshit that hopes time will have clouded my steel trap memory – i could see Ryan pulling it off with a tinge of naive sincerity.

Ryan may have been the grand wizardHitler who orchestrated this Final Solution to wipe out richardland, but he was also the only one to show remorse and make a small penance.

Read the rest of that post from 03 for the details – and in retrospect, while “wizardHitler” is a funny line, a more historically astute Nazi analogy would have been Eichmann, but I was only in the base level stages of my holocaust obsession back then.
And true to form: both slutty alice and fem Mikey did in fact come groveling multiple times over the years and were very harshly shown the door. I chronicled Mikey’s bullshit on here, but I didnt bother with the slut cuz she’s so one-dimensionally vapid that she’s not interesting even via insult comedy, unlike Mikey who is like a sitcom in his hapless adventures at sucking at life.

Tonight when I got home from dinner at BoneDaddys (its like a southern Hooters except the food is better and the girls are prettier, and not moms) I open my Facebook mail and see… gasp… a message from Ryan. saying? exactly, what, i, fucking, predicted… He just politely said hello and gave some good wishes and thats it. just a nice little check-in and how-do-ya-do.


idk how the fuck to respond to this shit… I already went through an Evil Ryan flipout just a week and a half ago and its actually a funny story. I would have blogged about it but Ryan was such ancient news that i didnt think it had much entertainment value beyond me, but now that he’s back, you’ll all appreciate this: so a little under 2 weeks ago, I’m in Hollywood at an agency rep’s office and he comes in, hands me a Vitamin water and a portfolio from a recent shoot that I was in and says to flip through it and we’ll talk about stuff in a minute when he gets back. so I pop open my fruit punch V-wat and turn to the page with me in it and – shocker – im fkkin gorgeous. its like, chah – whoah. so eagerly, naturally assuming another shot of me will be on the next page, i flip and — OH MY FUCKING GAWD, ITS EVIL RYAN!!!1 … or at least I think… I was positive this dude was Evil Ryan… and right there I go into game mode: im searching my mental files for all the data on this douche, im pacing, im pulling out a chalkboard and drawing strategies, im playing a remix of “Kill the Beast” from Beauty and the Beast and dropping in lines like when Frollo in Disneys Hunchback of Notre Dame is about to deliver his death blow and goes “and he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!”


Everything was ALL SYSTEMS GO – THIS IS NOT A DRILL. this was the moment i’ve been training for – one of them anyway. an arch nemesis is IN california IN my field! operation destruction starts NO— oh, nevermind cuz it wasn’t him… it soooooooo looked like him though. you cant fully appreciate it cuz there are so many posts tagged with him that are still offline for the next few weeks while the database changes, but when they come back online and you can see the pictures and video, you will look at this and go “OMG!”:


But back to the present situation: here I am with an open Facebook message and while i dont respect this guy – i dont hate him. so while i wanna bust out a one line reality stomped along the lines of “we are not friends. we are not friendly” (awesome, right?) – i would feel bad. justice only works when its deserved and in this case, being harsh in response would be just cruel and while i can be mean and vicious, i’ll never be unjustly cruel. Search the Feminine Mikey archives and you’ll see that that little bitch asks for an emotionally devastating reply in every single god damned response from beginning to end – but Ryan didn’t in this case… he did exactly as I thought he might, and i even noted in 2003 that it would probably be genuine.

Ryan was the 2nd best friend to destroy a social network by banging my girlfriend, and I recently rejoined and re-friended the first, so it would be really awesome to be on good terms with the 2 dudes who betrayed me, while remaining enemies with the former friends who had taken sides with the betrayer at the time. its so poetic and kick ass in the dichotomy of what you’d expect. but… meh. It’s midnight and im going to go to bed. I think i’ll just send a short reply and delete this message. maybe link to this blog and let him be like “huh?…” and just delete it himself out of apathy. ya… i think that…

g’nite kiddies.

ps: see what little previous Evil Ryan content is available (i went in and activated a few relevant ones to add context to this) until we get all tag pages back to normal (but improved!) –

Rainy Flo

Been raining all morning here at my brothers house in Florida, which kinda matters when you consider that Florida is evenly split between white trash and sunny vistas. dim the sun and America’s penis looks a lot less attractive…

Been having fun though since he has a lot of property, I suggested my nephews and I go for a walk. So I’ve been playing in the rain with a 2, 4 & 5 year old – getting them nice and muddy and then dumping them on grandma for cleanups while i watch some tv & eat.

We used banana leaves as umbrellas. they didn’t work.


Could I be…getting sick again??

I wasn’t sure if I was feeling a little warm in the head this evening. I was a little tired, but I had gone to bed late, woke up early and gone for a jog earlier, so a little fatigue was to be expected. but then… the tickle.. I felt a god damn tickle in my throat, the likes of which.. would.. indicate i was falling ill… again. I was just frigging sick most of August. Its barely October and this is actually happening??

“Are you fkking kidding me?” I mentally shouted. “This is NOT at all fkking acceptable. You better knock this shit off RIGHT NOW or I swear to god I’m gonna exercise and work the ever loving crap out of you tomorrow. Seriously. I’m not fkking around. STOP. you are embarrassing us”. But the tickle didn’t go away. F%CK. I start to hyperventilate a little. How am I gonna keep this a secret?? The internet can’t know about this. Wheeler can’t know about this. oh god, oh god. Say this isn’t happening, say this is NOT fkking happening right now…

Do I take an Advil? a Benadryl? a Nyquil? a quail quill on a window sill in a windmill on a hill with Jack & Jill ? — DAMMIT Richard, this is no time for irreverent though clever alliteration. You can NOT be getting sick this close to previously being sick. you can NOT NOT NOT.

But my eyes are misting slightly. I’m coughing to relieve the tickle in what feels to be my nasal passage. oh God… this is happening… 🙁 nooooo.

And then it happened…

I coughed extra hard and dislodged a quarter of a square of Cinnamon Toast Crunch that had found itself in the wrong pipe during my post-dinner inhaling of a salad bowl portion of the General Mills breakfast cereal.

I now feel fine. thank Christ.


If this kid turns out ugly, I’m gonna be pissed

My brothers middle child of the 3 he has with his current baby momma wife is getting my vote on most likely to be the “almost as good looking as his uncle” one, and if I’m wrong – or worse, if none of them take after their uncle Rich in the hott department – I will be pretty angry and probably love them at least 40% less.

I think the oldest, Riley will be okay and might have a jockish rouged thing going on later in life, and the youngest little droolhead is too hard to tell, though his resemblances to my father make me sad.

But this snotface Rowan appears to have the most head-turner potential and it’s gonna be a huge bummer if he grows up all weird in the face or just kinda inbred Picaso smushed up or something, all of which are entirely possible. His mom is trying him out in the model world a little and hopefully that will set him on the right track of diet [throwing up], exercise (performance enhancing drugs) and an undeserved sense of entitlement and self importance that facilitates being totally hot like his uncle Rich.



My sister is old as f#ck

My half sister Nichole is 40 years old this weekend. Gross. I gave her a cute little card that warns that the content inside contains the “F” word even though I thought it was retarded, cuz I think she knows how old she is, so there’s not a whole lot of suspense that the joke isn’t the word “fuck” printed in the card as one would assume in different context.

I drew her a flattering self portrait on the inside to make it better.


I drew a similar rendering of my cousin Dena who turned 30 recently cuz I’m just all about helping female family members cope with aging.