Even Han Solo is a better friend than any of my friends

Watching The Empire Strikes Back with my 9 year old nephew Riley who has never seen a full Star Wars movie until watching A New Hope for the first time last night. I have a camera ready to capture the first time he learns that Darth Vader is actually Lukes dad. But until then – we’ve got a bunch of Rebel commanders on ice planet Hoth and this exchange happens:

Deck Officer: Sir, Commander Skywalker hasn’t come in through the south entrance. He might have forgotten to check in.
Han Solo: Not likely. Are the speeders ready?
Deck Officer: Not yet. We’re having some trouble adapting them to the cold.
Han Solo: Then we’ll have to go out on Tauntauns.
Deck Officer: Sir, the temperature’s dropping too rapidly.
Han Solo: That’s right. And my friends out in it.

In other words: “Um.. Ya, stupid. That’s like…the entire point. How bout we show a little concern for my bro here and pitch in?”. Should be obvious, right? How come no one ever gives a shit when **I**’m out possibly freezing to death and/or getting jacked by Yeti-MountainGoat hybrids? Screw u guyz.

I can’t even get the people who claim to be my best pals to do the most simplest of shit and here’s a guy who, even at this stage in his character development, is written to be at least half as cold as the planet he’s working on – a guy who literally has “loner” as half of his name – and even he doesn’t even think its a question of whether he has to go help his friends – the question is HOW.

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