Footin it in NorHo

“Footin it” is a cool hip new term I came up with to describe the act of traveling as a pedestrian on account of not having a car.

I have a special path I travel through my neighborhood and slip through an apartment complex’s rear parking that is up against a McDonalds parking lot where the fence is torn down in order to accommodate hooligans like me taking a short cut into the main road the fast food place resides on instead of making the crescent shaped long-way to the same strip-mall hub of stuffs.

While on my patrol I say hello to neighbors and close open mailbox doors and am generally the opposite of this guy:

There was something more to mention though about my on-foot travels but I have to admit that I’ve forgotten it. I was walking earlier and wanted to document something about my feet-driven travels but the concept has completely left me and now i’m just here with a blog that lets people know I’m ducking through broken fences in North Hollywood for no reason. I could have just left this part out and this post would be perfectly acceptable but I was hoping that writing about how I forgot an additional point would jog my memory on what else there was to speak of. I am sorry for doing this to you.

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