Gramma Jean Bushnell has passed away at 94

My last remaining grandparent died shortly after midnight on Saturday. She was hospitalized several days prior with an infection that the doctors notified us she would not survive. They gave her a month at most but noted that she was too frail for surgery and could be taken any day. Saturday, June 23rd 2012 was that day. She was born in 1917 and died at 94 years old.

Her obituary has more of her begining:

Jean Margaret Bushnell, 94, was born in Fargo, North Dakota, August 14, 1917, and died in Sunnyvale, California after a brief illness. In 1927, Jean moved to Los Angeles with her parents Isabel and Harry Hansen and her siblings Dorothy and Neal. She attended St. Agnes High School, and while working on a high school play, met and later married Mart Petty Bushnell, an actor and movie extra on loan from the Pasadena Playhouse. While he pursued his life-long career with the Boy Scouts of America Health and Safety Division, Jean raised their ten children and began a long career as a porcelain artist and teacher, winning numerous prizes and accolades. Her career and her works were the cover story in a recent International Porcelain Painter’s Association magazine. The subjects of her paintings were flowers and portraits. She was preceded in death by Mart her beloved husband of forty-five years in 1981 and in the same year, her darling grandchild Matthew Cloonan Bushnell. She is survived by all of her ten children

I’m posting about this late because that’s just what felt right. My grieving a family members death wasn’t a secret or anything, but I didn’t feel like having to put my social-media contacts through the obligatory “i’m super super sorry” and all that. I just assume you’re all wonderful people and send your sympathies.

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