If this kid turns out ugly, I’m gonna be pissed

My brothers middle child of the 3 he has with his current baby momma wife is getting my vote on most likely to be the “almost as good looking as his uncle” one, and if I’m wrong – or worse, if none of them take after their uncle Rich in the hott department – I will be pretty angry and probably love them at least 40% less.

I think the oldest, Riley will be okay and might have a jockish rouged thing going on later in life, and the youngest little droolhead is too hard to tell, though his resemblances to my father make me sad.

But this snotface Rowan appears to have the most head-turner potential and it’s gonna be a huge bummer if he grows up all weird in the face or just kinda inbred Picaso smushed up or something, all of which are entirely possible. His mom is trying him out in the model world a little and hopefully that will set him on the right track of diet [throwing up], exercise (performance enhancing drugs) and an undeserved sense of entitlement and self importance that facilitates being totally hot like his uncle Rich.



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