Kids + Democracy in California

oh ya. we have a special election today…
HEY CALIFORNIA: Vote NO on everything except prop F [limits gov pay raises during times of deficits].
and also, I’m back in California now. so are Matt & Kylie
and also too, this just happened:

Me: [jingling car keys on my way out to go vote]
Mathew: Richuuuurd?…ar yu run. n. errands?
Me: no, I’m gonna go vote
Mathew: gonna go bote?
Me: ya
Mathew: how’c..why are… um..
Me: i’ll be back in a few minutes
Mathew: ohkk, but richuuurd. jup be carepul on ur bote n dont pall in the wader cuz theres sharks!
Me: no, not “boat” silly, i’m gonna go VOTE
Mathew: “vote”? whats..i thought u sed—
Me: ya, I know, I figured it out already
Mathew: wll…[thinks]… whats vote?
Me: It’s when you tell what you want and the most people who want it get it
Mathew: wat do u want?
Me: less government waste and a reigning in of entitlement programs…
Mathew: [thinks]…wuh…um………… i want Jack
[Skellington. referring to the Nightmare Before Christmas doll his sister was hogging from my room when he felt like it was his turn by now]

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