Love is not “in the air” with this Rosey Bromance, y’all

Wyatt just wouldnt listen to me when i warned him about his lack of sunblock… always learnin shit the hard way, this one.

Wyatt needs to stop losing weight. Not a good look.

This man is hideous

I’d say you were just saying that cuz he’s not on your level and thus you find a comparison more repulsive but Anne says he’s gross too so. I guess. Poor guy. I thought he was average

Embarrassingly I got a little toasted today going thru the mountains in my tanktop. :/

Haha so THATs it… Hit too close to home…

[name of a skin-showing facebook group we both are members of] will expect your recreation of this pic soon in that case

Thankfully i’m not as violent of a tomato as this. Just a little blush around the shoulders

[link to following image]:

That took too long to find and send but it symbolizes how I’m at home between your red traps. *(I’m overly pleased with myself on that one)

home is where the heart is. or where rich is. therefore rich is an important, fleshy, pumping organ

LOL! Now thats a good one. lol

I actually should ask some of our outside lawn and garden associates for pictures. 😛 they look like that

where the hell do you live that gingers are used for manual labor?


The bromance blossoms! Love is in the air.

um. dont be weird, anne. love is not in the air…
it was in the air like a million years ago; has since transmitted spores to both parties, infected the lungs and spread to the rest of the blood stream, resulting in the growth of inoperable tumors in both victims hearts.
unfortunately the condition can be terminal but patients can put sickness symptoms into remission through the only known treatment available which is regular doses of the other infectee (dont be gross with your thoughts of meat injections… there are lots of ways to medicate. a simple response to a “watchya thinkin bout??” text at 4am can act as a full 24 hour allotment, even. it all just depends). so :p

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