My brother and his child bride are awesome

My half brother (pops kid, previous marriage, up to speed now? k,cool. lets keep this rollin), whom I spent Thanksgiving with earned a 10% “you’re cool now” credit with this little anecdote he shared at Thanksgiving dinner…

I was seated to the right of his new bride whom he married the week prior and with whom he has 3 children (if you’re doing the math at home, that means that yes, the babies came before the “i do”, but she didnt want to be preggers at her own wedding so it got delayed a few times). The actual numbers aren’t important (mostly because I don’t know them for sure) – she’s a year or so younger than me and he’s a decade plus years older than me. Whatever. So I’m seated next to the dad.. and he says something along lines of me getting married – be it “when are you?” or “soon it’ll be yours” or “i guess you’ll be next huh?” – i don’t remember. also not the important part of the story. The fun started when I gave the answer I always do, which is that my future wife may not even be born yet, and if she is, she’s probably just now learning to read, so lets not jump the gun on the Richards-wedding thing.

So he chuckles and thinks about it for a second out loud, saying “boy, I don’t if I can do that”, to which I ask “what do you mean?” and he sayyyyyyz: “I don know…If I were 30somethin? and gettin together with an 18 year old girl? i just don’t think i’d be able to handle it” – referring to the lifestyle, interests and maturity gap. but the comedy gold comes in that he quickly cut himself off with that thought as he suddenly realized “er, well – i guess it works sometimes though” while making an “oh ya” type hand gesture to my brother and his daughter who are in exactly that situation.

All of that is still the setup to the REAL fun though, which was that that instance got my brother to openly share the fact that he got his now-wife in trouble at school while they were “dating” because the principal caught them “stealin some kisses” a few times when he’d drop her off at high school, adding that “[the principal] didn’t like to see those kinda smooches” with a laugh.

And if that’s not awesome. then – no. nevermind that cliche. it is awesome.

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