Rowan is a madman with a purpose…

Don’t tell my other nephews, but Rowan is my favorite. Okay, not really (I just remembered they’re starting to learn to read), but he *is* the biggest performer of the 3 little monsters.

This little psychopath with the skull & crossbones necktie is gonna be something someday. and it’s gonna be hilarious. The picture below of him “smiling” with his grandma (my half-brothers mom) was taken tonight as the family was out at dinner.

Since that one was a little silly, here’s a re-take to get a “nice pictures with Grandma”. Nailed it…

^That’s his older brother Riley behind him and my brother with the Amish mutton chops on his face. Of course Rowans the star of the show. Such an angel, right?? I mean look at that adorable saintly look of innocence.

Rowan is an Artist and his brothers are his canvas.

Before they went out… Rowan got ahold of a permanent marker and drew thick eyebrows on Riley (cleaned off with a clarifying shampoo before the camera was brought into this) and tagged monster faces on his younger brother Brody. GENIUS!


His poor mother, who is about to pop with their soon to be younger sister/my first niece, had to scrub them down as best she could before they left but as far as I’m concerned – he totally won extra ice cream points with uncle Rich. Here she is with Brody who is looking sweet as sugar and innocent as a freakin baby lamb resting on a bed of ducklings and tulips:

Rowan is always the most hyperactive and the one who crashes the hardest so of course he konked out on the couch as soon as they got home. While he was vulnerable and their mom left the room to shut off the tv, Riley got his revenge for the Sharpie eyebrows Rowan gave him earlier:

Their mom reports “Rowan is in for a surprise in the morning.. oh these boys..I have a feeling this just the beginning”.

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