Southern California looks for and captures cars with late registration

You’ll want to read the expanded version of this nonsense featured in a previous post, but the summary is my car was towed and impounded for not having current registration and I am unable to GET the registration because it’s not registered in my name (I have been in a drawn out waiting period for the previous owner to qualify the car for emissions certification before it could be transfered to me).

The explanation is worse than the Flyaway dropping a dime on me: Evidently this is just something that the city does, to make sure they can effectively compete with Chicago for being the most corrupt big-government stronghold with a lock on power used primarily for raping the tax payer at the expense of the decay to the actual jobs government is supposed to manage like infostructure, highways, crime and the other things these places fail miserably at, etc. Check out this tip I got in a comment:

It may not be the garage’s fault. My office sells the City vehicle stickers, which is basically a tax on anyone who has the audacity to own a car in the city of Chicago. A few years back, one of my former bosses wanted to send investigators into downtown parking garages to ticket cars that didn’t pay for and properly display the sticker. The garages didn’t like that idea, took it to court, and lost. Our investigators were allowed to go in. Even though the garages were privately owned, they were considered “public”.

After asking a family friend in Los Angeles law-enforcement: yup…that’s the case alright… The government just sends drones out to troll the streets and parking garages for suckers to squeeze money out of.
Good thing Los Angeles is so free of illegal aliens, drugs, crime and shitty roadways to allow the local government to spend their boredom on extracting more money out of legal U.S. citizens contributing to the economy and traveling via registered cars that may have skipped a beat in the bureaucratic process of government bullshit.
So since it’s totally legal to yank a car without current registration, I have to pay it to get it out of the lot. I can’t do that until the legal owner of it complies with the emission standards testing to allow the final step of the cars sale to take place and have it registered in my name.
This leaves me several options:
  1. Sue the current owner in Small Claims court for the cost of the impound which took place as a result of their negligence so I can complete the sale and thereby get the car out.
  2. Tell the towtruck place that they just got a free 12 year old Lexus and move on to just buy a new car. I have a change of clothes and emergency-pack stuff like towels, latex gloves,  rope and a blindfold (the essentials) in there that i’ll never get back, but that’s about it. Not worth the $600 it would take to get the car out.
  3. DO pay the insane fee’s to get the car out, avoid having to buy a new one or sue anybody and recoup my costs by using my position as CEO of my small business to cut off my salary and go on government Food Stamps for awhile until the State of California has reimbursed me for the cost of this debacle.



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