Tag Archives: Apple Computers

In 37 1/2 days, I’ll know if the data on my laptop can be saved

Last week my 17 inch Macbook Pro crashed while I was using it so I force-powered if off and finished the nights work on my desktop PC. The next day I powered up the Macbook and after a prolonged Apple screen, would receive only a blinking question mark every time a reboot was attempted…

Took it to the Apple store. The “Mac Genius” (I use quotations as a double meaning since its the phrase Apple describes the position themselves, but also that I am skeptical of the validity of the title – both of which can be represented by quotes and would be ambiguous to the reader on which I was trying to convey if I didn’t just tell you “both”. man, I’m awesome) said the hard drive is broken and I need a new one. So I bought one from a local computer store and started to dissect the computer to install it. I did… and stared at it awhile… thinking of all the gorgeous pictures of myself and the time spent editing the 5 or 6 videos on the old hard drive that would be lost forever.

Apple Macbook Hard Drive Replacement
(this is actually just some random person’s picture on photobucket cuz I was too lazy to take a picture and upload it myself cuz its so many extra steps to do it on the PC. my open mac and the new/old hard drive look exactly like this though, so whatever. screw you guys)

The data recovery place that Apple recommended I go to if I wanted to save the info from the busted drive gave me an estimate of $500 to $3,500 before I told him to die and hung up on him (or politely said “okay, thank you so much for the info, have a great day, goodbye”. whatever). But I couldn’t just leave the stuff on there only to be recovered years later when I could afford the time, energy and cost.

So I unhooked the new hard drive and put the old one back in. Tried a few things I found on Google. No use. Got a tip on a software fix, since the hard drive was clearly not physically broken as I found out through other tests I did and went to Apple to buy it. Upon checkout my card was declined. I remembered my current balance and totally lied to the guy and said to give me a minute to call my bank and get the issue resolved. Instead, I bolted out of the mall and back into my car and deposited some checks into my account at my bank 5 miles down the road and zipped right back to the mall in under 5 minutes and told the same guy to try the card again. When it worked he was surprised and asked what the problem was. I blamed it on my exorbitant and luxurious travels abroad for business and pleasure and the bank just has a sensitive “suspicion of lost or stolen card” policy. He was very impressed. And I was very a liar.

I brought the software home. Data Rescue 2. It came with no directions. Just a CD in a box. Ok… I start running it. It goes great for about 20 minutes. Stops the scan at 60 gigabytes. Freezes for about 40 minutes. I call the software makers. They say when it reaches a corrupt cluster it could take a few hours. I say okay, just wanted to see how to proceed – but also, just as a side note – this “estimated time remaining” number isn’t accurate…right? Because it keeps bouncing around from thousands to several thousands of hours. The guy says no, it could in fact be accurate and that he’s heard of drives scanning for up to a month, but that the people do indeed get their data afterward.


That was last week..
So far the scan is up to 75.5gb on a 150gb hard drive, making the progress till now a consistent 2gb per day.

So… continuing at this pace.
with 75gb to go..
at 2gb a day.
2 into 75 is….
37.5 days


Mikey the racist homophobic Mac hater.

The Following is the transcript from a conversation with my poor misguided friend Mike Glaser. All I wanted to do was share my new ad slogans for Apple computers so I could be on their user featured commercials they have and there goes Mikey…injecting his bigoted views wherever he can… Please pray for him.

Richar900: Greetings Michael. -I was just wondering if you’d take a look at some recent Macintosh slogans I made up. Here’s the first one :
don’t do crack! -buy a mac…. “

MicMan02: thats so gay

Richar900: or how bout “you’re PC is crapple…so why not go apple?” (apple.com)

MicMan02: crapple isn’t a word…

Richar900: -yes it is, look it up jackass (but make sure you have the right dictionary cuz yours might be broken)

MicMan02: ahh yes, i see

Richar900: how bout “if you like snacks – you should buy macs” cuz I mean – everybody likes snacks ya know?

MicMan02: that doesn’t even make any sense

Richar900: yea it does. its connecting the pleasure and easy access of snacks to computer electronics. its genius

MicMan02: iMovie is preloaded onto it…you should mess around with that

Richar900: yea, i want to get the files on my pc on it but I don’t know how. …and I have stuff thats too big for burning

MicMan02: you have single files that are too big to fit on a cd?

Richar900: yea – my short movies are on there like popcorn (not on there LIKE popcorn – but they’re on there.. one of those films being named “popcorn”)

MicMan02: well that sucks large black penis

Richar900: …Michael, that sexual reference is unneeded and offensive. The fact that you inject a color to it makes it a racial slur and that’s wrong. I’m afraid that on behalf of African Americans across the globe I think you should apologize immediately.

MicMan02: is there any way you can chop it up and do it in chunks? (the file, not the nigger dick)

Richar900: Mikey…please…Although I don’t condone racist comments under any guise, I find this particular degradation of African Americans insulting and reprehensible. -besides…im on a PC.. PC’s aren’t as good as macs for many reasons

Richar900: I strongly suggest you look into it more, macs are pretty cool if you just give them a chance

MicMan02: richard….i’ve had a mac for longer than you have…i made that arguement to YOU a long time ago.

Richar900: Mikey…when will you understand? You’ve made these same misconceptions since I’ve known you. You need to change with the times and realize that no matter what you say : Macs are cool, Blacks are cool, and “Argument” only has one “E” . -but it’s fine for now… I won’t hurt your pride big fella any more- its ok

Richar900: we can just move on from here 🙂 (you little rascal you)

MicMan02: but its true…i’ve been telling YOU that YOU should get a mac for years…but you didn’t want to because they didn’t have a right mouse button…

MicMan02: remember, you almost bought my G4…remember richard…REMEMBER!

Richar900: “macs are for macs”

Richar900: -hows that? you like that one?

MicMan02: you’ve only enjoyed their superior performance for a few days now…while i’ve had them in my life for years.

Richar900: “if your name is Josh – buy a MacinTOSH” -what about that? I mean – everyone named Josh will be compelled to buy!!

MicMan02: you’re retarded.

Richar900: “next time you’re at hooters…don’t be like my friend mike glaser who is stupid and hates macintosh computers…and black people”

Richar900: it’s GOLD!

MicMan02: thats the gayest one yet

MicMan02: you can’t buy macs at hooters.

Richar900: no – it just makes you think about it. cuz then you’re like…”boobs…macs…-i want one!”

MicMan02: ahh, i see. i have to go get some lunch….because of your input, i’ll now definetly consider the apple computer corporation when purchasing my next home computer.

Richar900: I’m glad to hear it Michael… now if only I could get you away from the Hate…Away…from the hate… talk to you later homophobic racist Mac hating buddy.

MicMan02: see ya (and death to all those different than me. -especially the black people…I hate them.)