Tag Archives: awkward

Cousin Marty gets a Birthday Singing Telegram

My cousin Marty turned 40, and apparently his awesome new wife Lisa loves awkward moments as much as I do, cuz she got him a singing telegram and, whoah, does the uncomfortable hilarity flow like esoteric references in a Dennis Miller monologue. The sheer uncomfortableness is delightfully awesome as the performance seems to last about 2 minutes too long and cousin Marty is left stranded in how the eff to react to this madness.

I wish there was a DVD of moments like this with different characters and victims honoree’s.

First, I’m kinda annoyed that cousin Marty never told me he was Scott McClellan and I don’t know why it took this video to make me realize the identity but it would have been pretty awesome to have a family member who was White House Press Secretary (even though he sucked royally at that job).

Second, lets not knock the calypso chachacha telegrammer girl woman who did just fine at her job which I’m sure she loves and has a lot of fun with. but… doesn’t a part of you kind of watch this and think it would be interesting if she’s a single mom struggling to make ends meet and cries profusely when she gets in her car to go home each day?

Hawaii bound with the boysez

Dwayne and Wheeler flew into LAX from Missouri the night before and spent the night at my house before we all shoved off to hit my apartment in Hawaii for a week. It just happened to work out that my mom was visiting at the time so we had a ride to the airport, which was at least 90% better than hitchhiking the 101 at 7AM with only our smiles and offers of handjobs to get us by.

We got in late the night before so they boys didn’t see my mom till the morning where their personalities were illustrated to comedic effect noticed only by me. The shower head at my end of the house wasn’t working so I sent Dwayne to go wash his morning stink off down at my aunts end of the house. The guys haven’t seen my mom in 5 years since we left Missouri in 2003 and Dwayne was his usual cordial self, greeting her with a hug and “hello Mrs Bushnell” and all that crap. While I’m trying to figure out wtf is wrong with my washing device, Wheeler gets up from the couch (which for some inexplicable reason he was sleeping on even though I had a bed for him) to see what the commotion is about and gives a “hey, whats up?” to my mom as he presses the “don’t let water out” switch on the shower.

Here we are in my front yard having an awkward smile contest.
