Tag Archives: Bushnell family

Gramma Jean Bushnell has passed away at 94

My last remaining grandparent died shortly after midnight on Saturday. She was hospitalized several days prior with an infection that the doctors notified us she would not survive. They gave her a month at most but noted that she was too frail for surgery and could be taken any day. Saturday, June 23rd 2012 was that day. She was born in 1917 and died at 94 years old.

Her obituary has more of her begining:

Jean Margaret Bushnell, 94, was born in Fargo, North Dakota, August 14, 1917, and died in Sunnyvale, California after a brief illness. In 1927, Jean moved to Los Angeles with her parents Isabel and Harry Hansen and her siblings Dorothy and Neal. She attended St. Agnes High School, and while working on a high school play, met and later married Mart Petty Bushnell, an actor and movie extra on loan from the Pasadena Playhouse. While he pursued his life-long career with the Boy Scouts of America Health and Safety Division, Jean raised their ten children and began a long career as a porcelain artist and teacher, winning numerous prizes and accolades. Her career and her works were the cover story in a recent International Porcelain Painter’s Association magazine. The subjects of her paintings were flowers and portraits. She was preceded in death by Mart her beloved husband of forty-five years in 1981 and in the same year, her darling grandchild Matthew Cloonan Bushnell. She is survived by all of her ten children

I’m posting about this late because that’s just what felt right. My grieving a family members death wasn’t a secret or anything, but I didn’t feel like having to put my social-media contacts through the obligatory “i’m super super sorry” and all that. I just assume you’re all wonderful people and send your sympathies.

Sometimes medical professionals suck at finding things

My 94 year old Grandma Bushnell fell the first day I got up here to stay with her for a few days in her Sunnyvale California home and has been nursing a bruised leg ever since. I know it was bothering her at night but today she says she was just fine, admitting to the tiny bit that wasnt fine (the pain in her leg) only in the context of noting that its those little pains that you have to expect as a part of life and not make a fuss over. People of all ages should be so wise.

I just came back down when she was on her way to the first doctors visit where they said there was no fracture. Pain persisted and – Surprise! – there’s a fracture. So now she’s going in for surgery cuz it needs a plate and screws or something (UPDATE: surgery went well. doctor pleased with it. Gma will spend 4 days in the hosp and then a few with a care professional).

I went to the dentist a couple years ago because of a hurting molar and they didnt find anything wrong…with THAT tooth. They charged me for fillings in teeth that werent bothering me – sure – but nothing on the one that I came in to complain about. Guess it was all in my head, right? WRONG. The culprit was a crack in a filling and got worse to where I had to go in again – this time to a different dentist where I was informed of the problem and the fact that the crack was a Goatse in my skull, inviting all kinds of bacteria into a direct pipeline to the root of my tooth and – CONGRATULATIONS! – I need a $2,000 root canal.

All cuz they didnt spot the crack in the first place. that sucked and its just a tooth in some 20something that, after the cost, doesn’t matter. I cant imagine the suckitude of that happening in a bone fracture in a 94 year old. completely obnoxious.

Look harder for stuff!

“Reeeechurds not even spose-teh BE here…”

The line from the title above has been in a couple videos over the past 2 years and every few weeks I get asked what it means. This blog is a reminder to myself to tell the story on camera some time when I see my brother next, but the quick summary is that it was about 13 years ago, involved alcohol and has been a running gag in the family ever since.

Until the story gets told properly, i’ll leave you with this…

Nephews say the darndest things…

my friggin 15 year old nephew just tried to quiz me with the question “guess who came first: Sonic, or Mario?”… that’s like asking a Nam veteran if they know anything about the war. bitch, I LIVED that. effouttahere.

More gems from my week with the younger nephews:

“you stink butt toilet poop! im gonna fart in yor unda-wear!” & “you’re a butt and you stink like butt, BUTT Stink!”
– Rowan Bushnell, 4

“untle Richard. um. um. uh whats..uh whats ‘gay’? – [fake answer] – “haha. im gay! im gay im gay! haha. im so gayyyy!” – [real answer] – “um.. i dont think thats rilly it cuz if 2 boys kissed eachother they’d prolly go tu jail”.
– Riley Bushnell, 6

“Instead a Easter they should call it Ster-Eee cuz you STIR the chocolate and then you EAT it, so Ster-ea, not Ea-ster…”
– Riley Bushnell, 6

“Touch that again and it’s gonna rain spank-bombs like a Giant’s tears after he found out he wasn’t invited to a birthday party”
– uncle Rich, layin down tha law.

If this kid turns out ugly, I’m gonna be pissed

My brothers middle child of the 3 he has with his current baby momma wife is getting my vote on most likely to be the “almost as good looking as his uncle” one, and if I’m wrong – or worse, if none of them take after their uncle Rich in the hott department – I will be pretty angry and probably love them at least 40% less.

I think the oldest, Riley will be okay and might have a jockish rouged thing going on later in life, and the youngest little droolhead is too hard to tell, though his resemblances to my father make me sad.

But this snotface Rowan appears to have the most head-turner potential and it’s gonna be a huge bummer if he grows up all weird in the face or just kinda inbred Picaso smushed up or something, all of which are entirely possible. His mom is trying him out in the model world a little and hopefully that will set him on the right track of diet [throwing up], exercise (performance enhancing drugs) and an undeserved sense of entitlement and self importance that facilitates being totally hot like his uncle Rich.



Cousin Marty gets a Birthday Singing Telegram

My cousin Marty turned 40, and apparently his awesome new wife Lisa loves awkward moments as much as I do, cuz she got him a singing telegram and, whoah, does the uncomfortable hilarity flow like esoteric references in a Dennis Miller monologue. The sheer uncomfortableness is delightfully awesome as the performance seems to last about 2 minutes too long and cousin Marty is left stranded in how the eff to react to this madness.

I wish there was a DVD of moments like this with different characters and victims honoree’s.

First, I’m kinda annoyed that cousin Marty never told me he was Scott McClellan and I don’t know why it took this video to make me realize the identity but it would have been pretty awesome to have a family member who was White House Press Secretary (even though he sucked royally at that job).

Second, lets not knock the calypso chachacha telegrammer girl woman who did just fine at her job which I’m sure she loves and has a lot of fun with. but… doesn’t a part of you kind of watch this and think it would be interesting if she’s a single mom struggling to make ends meet and cries profusely when she gets in her car to go home each day?