Tag Archives: cleaning

My aunt cleans stuff

Wish I had a “before” picture. not that the place was a pig sty but I’ve been at my Aunts house the past month while she visited her new grand daughter down in Temecula (that’s closer to San Diego, where as I’m closer to Los Angeles – 2.5 hour difference, for you non-Californian viewers) and she didn’t tell me she was coming home today so she just walked in the door.

I guess my cousin Jenny deprived her of any housework during the visit cuz within about 14 and a half minutes of being back, the kitchen was cleaned, dishwasher emptied and refilled, laundry done, hummingbird feeders washed/changed/&filled, a new 3 & 1/2 bottle batch of tea was brewed and contained and godknowswhatelse…