Tag Archives: Dentist

Sometimes medical professionals suck at finding things

My 94 year old Grandma Bushnell fell the first day I got up here to stay with her for a few days in her Sunnyvale California home and has been nursing a bruised leg ever since. I know it was bothering her at night but today she says she was just fine, admitting to the tiny bit that wasnt fine (the pain in her leg) only in the context of noting that its those little pains that you have to expect as a part of life and not make a fuss over. People of all ages should be so wise.

I just came back down when she was on her way to the first doctors visit where they said there was no fracture. Pain persisted and – Surprise! – there’s a fracture. So now she’s going in for surgery cuz it needs a plate and screws or something (UPDATE: surgery went well. doctor pleased with it. Gma will spend 4 days in the hosp and then a few with a care professional).

I went to the dentist a couple years ago because of a hurting molar and they didnt find anything wrong…with THAT tooth. They charged me for fillings in teeth that werent bothering me – sure – but nothing on the one that I came in to complain about. Guess it was all in my head, right? WRONG. The culprit was a crack in a filling and got worse to where I had to go in again – this time to a different dentist where I was informed of the problem and the fact that the crack was a Goatse in my skull, inviting all kinds of bacteria into a direct pipeline to the root of my tooth and – CONGRATULATIONS! – I need a $2,000 root canal.

All cuz they didnt spot the crack in the first place. that sucked and its just a tooth in some 20something that, after the cost, doesn’t matter. I cant imagine the suckitude of that happening in a bone fracture in a 94 year old. completely obnoxious.

Look harder for stuff!