Tag Archives: Feminine Mikey

Carrie Clampitt and I are not friends. and she’s a bitch.

Carrie Clampitt-Gracey is a disingenuous sweaty cow who acts friendly to people she does not feel friendly toward. That’s probably why no one really loves her. Like her mom, or her husband, or God.

Nah, just kidding. That’s just me being emotional ‘nStuff. I’ve never actually known her to be all that sweaty.

Ahhh – But seriously, no joke about the emotional part because when I wrote that opening sentence I was 100% serious, which is of course super silly, but if you’ve read previous posts like this from me before, you know I take people being unduly mean to heart, personalize it when 90% of the time it’s not anything personal (just mean people being mean) and then put on my Batman mask and town-crier the incident to log both aspects [both their meanness, and my butthurtness. Because in all fairness, both are worthy of historical note].


So how could someone with such a nice sounding name be such a salty hoor?
Well, since you asked:

I went to high school with Carrie Clampitt where I didn’t really get to know her SUPER well, but well enough to call a friend under the tab of “friendly with the occasional hangout by proxy”. We were pleasant, and would talk personally when we talked at all, she was in my group that went to prom, she would tell me on more than one occasion how miserably depressed she is and how much she hates her life and her mother – you get the idea. Feminine Mikey was in Student Council with her and would always complain to me about what a psychotic emotionally unstable controlling Stalinist bitch she was, calling her Ashley Monez’s “mini-me, except with less power, less smarts, more crazy and of course, fat” (*his* [accurate] description. not mine). Howeverz, where as Ashley turned out to be just a delightful and awesome human being in present day from what I see on Facebook (of which we are friends), Carrie Clampitt Gracey is still every bit the robotic fruitcake that she was back then.


Carrie Clampitt moved to California 20 minutes away from me and since I was hang-out friends with her room mate, I saw more of Clampitt over the last year. blah blah blah – she’s a fkkn bratty snob but so what? Everyone has the opportunity to learn and grow and shouldn’t be excommunicated because they might be a little snotty with you on occasion. That’s my philosophy anyway. And that’s why I’ve always been Sweetness & Light to Carrie even when she’s short tempered and impatient with me. Because who cares, really? Just because a person isn’t a personality type you might want to pursue further levels of bonding with doesn’t mean you have to be at odds with. Especially if you are mature enough to recognize that the way a person is is because of their own life circumstances and surroundings and not because they are personally out to get you.


That understanding of the difference between personality types however does not give people like this the liberty to be outright jerks to you for no reason under no provocation and then cut you off from any further dialog. That’s more than just having a snippy personality type – that’s an attack that needs a spotlight shined on it with a big “Not Okay” message.


*warms up spotlight*….


So despite never returning Carries snippiness in the past, evidently she had developed negative feelings towards me. Idk why because I’ve never said anything nasty, negative, rude, or mean to her, we’ve never had a fight and the closest there has ever been to tension between was have only been in extremely gentle moments of adjustment in where I would assess a situation in more realistic “not the end of the world that you’re making it out to be” terms in service to a defense for my friend Lauren when she’s on the receiving end of a Clampitt-meltdown.


On Facebook I encouraged my friends to follow me on Twitter by noting that if we’re good enough to be friends on there then I outta be good enough to follow on Twitter. Except I said it in faux-outrage like this:

if you’re not following me on Twitter but are friends with me on Facebook…what..the hell… kind of friend.. – no – what kind of HUMAN BEING are you?… you disgust me….


Maybe a lame status but less lame than just saying “follow me” or just linking to my Twitter account with no addition.


But Carrie took it to heart and deleted me right after reading it.

So it’s not just a disconnect on a social network that she decided to chop me from but rather that she doesn’t like me or value my presence in her life at all which was a realization caused by my status to reflect facetious disappointment in those who have yet to “follow me” on that microblogging bird website.


Here’s the message she sent me on Facebook and the thread that followed:


You said:

if you’re not following me on Twitter but are friends with me on Facebook…what..the hell… kind of friend.. – no – what kind of HUMAN BEING are you?… you disgust me….

I just realized we aren’t friends.



what a passive-aggressive bitch message to send.

I just realized you’re awful.


you’re right. i am awful. thank goodness you don’t have to be my friend on facebook anymore.


you’re doin an awful lot of chatting to someone you allegedly don’t want to be friends with, bitch.
make up your mind and either
A) follow through with your decision and stfu & go away. or
B) apologize for being awful and admit you’re just after attention and don’t know how else to get it other than being a jerk cuz you suffer from social problems that should not excuse but at least explain your bratty behavior.


I’m sorry for hurting your feelings.



Let’s look at the scorecard in this exchange:

-Her message is completely unfoundedly nasty with no reason or excuse. To inform someone that you aren’t their friend by pretending to take serious a dumb status update about having a Twitter account and inform that person that you had an epiphany about their worth to you from it and it is zero, is worth chiding.

-My reply noting its tone and unnecessary snot-itude was pithy and on-point. The follow-up, using her “just realized” language to label her bad behavior is onnier pointier. Go me.

-Her sarcastic reply amounting to “yeah yeah, whatever. guess everyone wins then cuz I’m gonna be awful and you’re gonna be gone so yeay” is not at all expressing they apathy she’s trying to convey but rather is clear aggression. If you’re apathetic and happy about the connection loss then you don’t feel a need to gloat about it afterward, you just silently go into the night with your “good riddance to bad rubbish” attitude. If you try to express a “good riddance” attitude to the person then there’s something up there because you’re not just leaving the person, you’re trying to send a negative message to them.

-Here’s where I stopped writing to her and started writing to you, the future reader. I do this often when it looks like something is about to go the direction of the person blocking me and this needs to be noted so you don’t think this is the right way to reply in a situation like this. It isn’t. My response was too long and substantive for a personal message spat like this, too nasty (including the b*tch line as a dismissive noun this time), and not at all worded right for the interpersonal match going on. It was perfect for a blog though, so that’s why I wrote it that way. So acknowledging that I fell on my sword by knowingly formatting in an otherwise non-ideal way, the substance of what I said is legit: go bye or admit you’re hanging around because of some other reason (and ideally surface that reason and make it an opportunity to deliver something constructive about why you don’t like that person at least).

-Her response obviously wins the exchange. Even though she did the most cowardly move possible by blocking me right after sending that so she could get in a final word and then not have to hear it ripped to shreds, there is no way around the fact that that is a superior reply to what I said if we are strictly scoring this as a sparring match. It’s like the “you mad?” thing that is currently popular to say in situations like these where you mock someone for caring about the issues being discussed while lording your own apathy over them as a clear sign you’re winning (because they are feeling something and you just don’t give a fudge). This does that in a fake-compassion way. Ie: “I am sorry you are a butthurt little biznitch. BYE”.


And it’s that block-and-bye that is the only reason there is a long post-game analysis of this snooty toot. If you put me in situations like these, I’m going to recap them in my brain for my own evolution and piece of mind. But if I’m going to go through the trouble of that, I’m not gonna waste my life on it – I’m going to turn it into content I can post and get something out of, thankyouverymuch.


And that’s why Carrie Clampitt-Gracey is a Scary Armpit Tracy. Or something.


IRONIC UPDATE OF AWESOME: Feminine Mikey has evidently also moved to California and is friendless enough to where he is ready to look past his previous hate and be total BFF’s with Carrie Clambot-Spacey.



Gross but lulz. I am so glad I included the part about him being the original source of broadcasting what a jerk she is, specifically how he personally didn’t like her cuz now I have the perfect book-end to this social tale as he over punctuates with desperation at re-igniting semblances from his high school life back when he was cool. Somehow these soap-opera sub-stories have a way of always writing themselves just the right rejoiners. Especially when awful people are involved.

Dear Mikey lovers: don’t say I didn’t try…

Sorry ju guys. As much as I hate deeply to disappoint the hundreds of thousands of fans who were feverishly following the FMFS (Feminine Mikey Facebook Saga), I gotta call it to a close for my own sake. Don’t try and make me feel bad about it cuz I put in HOURS negotiating with this schmuckluck to see if a friendly re-joining could be possible, but OY. I’m sorry… he’s just too god damn annoying. no longer friend material. I tried for you guys who frequently voice your love for the old material on richardland he was a part of, but I’m sorry – I’M SORRY OKAY????? – he’s just too far down the rabbit hole of douchitude to be recovered at this point.

To give you an idea of what an assface the once great Feminine Mikey has become, here is a rundown of the first sentence of every paragraph in his latest Facebook reply. Read this horseshit and keep in mind that these messages are supposed to convey “I’m sorry I was such an asshole in the past, but I really want to make it up to you and try to be friends again”.

Maybe its me, so you tell ME if that’s the tone YOU glean here when you read these openers:

MIKEY: Jesus Richard.  Way to make an ultimately simple statement confusing and overly complicated.

Context: Instead of being grateful that I’m actually putting thought and effort into replying to his messages and contuing to steadfastly make his case, he won’t stop whining about how I’m being too mean to him in my replies, so I gave him this awesome deal: vote for the other guy instead of your original choice in the Nov 4 election and I’ll tone down the rhetoric a little in return. He couldn’t wrap his head around the whole “do something as a sign of good faith and i’ll tamp down the mean words as a return-favor” concept, claiming that if my harsh words can be graciously waved due to an act of concession then they lose credibility. I replied to let him know that he’s retarded for thinking that, and apparently that was me making a simple statement confusing and overly complicated. douchebag.

Comment: Really? Even if you’re so much of a weak little bitch to get frustrated at someone you’re trying to apologize to and regain favor with do you really show how flustered you are with an exasperated “Jesus” and go on to blame the person you’re supposedly trying to curry favor with? is there a BETTER way to send a stronger translation of “I suck at life. pleae don’t take my apologies seriously”?. It’s cool to go that route if the person you’re apologizing to is actually being retarded in response to you, cuz then you’re really just JudgeJudy-ing them into a no-nonsense approach to forgiveness with no added horsecrap onto the load the apologizer is already admitting is there.

Instead, Mikey is just a little shit whose frequently wrong and easily frustrated when challenged, so that explaining something in simplistic terms so he could understand it automatically becomes unnecessarily “confusing” and “complicated”.

And FYI: “overly complicated” is redundant you twit. I didn’t tell him that cuz it would be an unnecessary diversion.

MIKEY: Now, on to this online chapter book you’ve presented…

Context: he’s making a derogatory comment about the length of my reply.

Comment: Really? you think it’s a good idea to insult the time taken by someone who hates you but gives you lengthy and thoughtfully written reactions to your whiny ass little pleas anyway?

And a “chapter book” is a childrens book, so I don’t know if he’s claiming I was using child-level vocabulary, or if he didn’t know that chapter book was a real phrase and he was just trying to say “a book long enough to have chapters” to insult the length of my reply while i was hearing him out on his request to be my god damn friend again.
I didn’t tell him any of that cuz it would be an unnecessary diversion.

MIKEY: I can’t believe you’ve injected politics into this discussion…way to make an already overly drawn-out topic even more overly drawn-out.

Context: when he said why he could never vote for the other guy earlier, he said a bunch of stuff that wasn’t true, so I corrected him.

: Really? you can’t believe that after you talked about politics to someone that they would reply? Really? I would want to be friends with someone this easily shocked, why again?

MIKEY: The fault lays with you here, Bush.  Cause I didn’t sound like I misspoke from the beginning.

Context: He mentioned how votes don’t count (electoral college-wise) in California and it’s too bad my vote couldn’t be put to use back in Missouri. I misunderstood and commented on it – he explained his original comment further and in the reply to that I said his explanation makes sense and my bad for not getting it on the first go-around.

Comment: Really? You think its useful to keep going on the “I was right! you misunderstood! YOUR fault!” path even after the other person says “yup. you were right. i misunderstood. my fault”?
And calling me Bush (not a nickname I’ve ever taken)? wtf.

le sigh

So can I finally get a little wut-wut here? (I heard a black person on tv say that so I adopted it. its in the right context, right?). I mean, I’m as sorry as you are, guys. I “mate” for life with my friends, so when they destroy the relationship I hate it and there’s always an open invitation to apply to re-enter richardland after doing appropriate pennance but – more importantly – proving that you’re worth the re-entry. If you’re not friend material, thennnnnn…wtf

I promise I gave him more than a fair shot. Femanine
Mikey just sucks at life too bad to be recovered right now.

Will Femanine Mikey return to Richardland?

I’ve been receiving this question ever since captain Fem-Mi appeared on this website, which was only weeks before our friendship crashed and burned after he perpetrated a social suicide bombing on our relationship after converting to Douchebagelism in college. It was unfortunate timing, cuz  everyone on richardland had just started to meet and went on to love Feminine Mikey – and for good reason – I did too. he was fun. Great guy, good pal. but unfortunately he started to achieve meltdown atomic levels of doucherness, achieved by matching a sudden decrease of his interesting and unique attributes with a sharp increase of his opinion of himself (always the scientific douchebag ratio). The unbalanced scales led him to turn into a huge burnout loser that I still stuck with for awhile until he topped his make-your-own-sundae of disaster with a cherry of Brutisesque betrayal.

Mikey relations were cut at that point and laid mostly dormant until earlier this year when he tried to add me on Facebook, resulting in a smack-back that was detailed here on richardland. He responded to it and I responded back eventually – which he would obnoxiously try to copy? Cuz I would take a month or so to respond to a message cuz I’m terribly uninterested in the sob story this douche has but I at least get to it. He however is supposedly trying to apologize and become friends again so wtf is HIS excuse for all of a sudden taking 4 weeks to reply now? moron. he can’t stop trying to be like me even after all this time.

So what’s the deal with Mikey? The answer to the headline of this post is “not bloody likely”, but said in a really obnoxious way, maybe with an accent, and definitely delivered only a few inches away from your face with an awkward pause afterward.

I’m totally forgiving if a repentance is genuine, but that’s only half the story with a friend-gone-wrong. Duh – hello? I have to still LIKE you if you wanna be friends again. So I might forgive someone but if I still don’t respect them then what’s the point?

Well Mikey, being an idiot and all, failed to understand why he had to sell himself as a good person when I should already know this (that whole 6 months where he was a jerk that ended our friendship doesn’t count when Mikey’s the score keeper). The Feminine Mikey brand has been sullied, I told him, and you need to market it properly or no one’s gonna remember or at least apply to your party affiliation the good times – they’re just gonna remember the shit you at best, failed to explain properly and they’re gonna choose the inexperienced black guy over you no matter how seasoned and worthy you might be.

It’s like a guy who breaks up with his girlfriend cuz he doesn’t like her anymore but then a few years later gets lonely and finds himself regretting the good times with her. so he goes back and apologizes and she points out that he was a jerk during the breakup. he agrees and apologizes but is all “wtf ELSE do you want from me? i SAID i was sorry. gaaad” . So she throws her drink in his face.
if he really loved her, he goes on accepting the mantle and explaining why he’s worth a second shot. the other scenario though, is if he was just a schmuck who was only going through this cuz he got a little nostalgic lately after re-examining his current quality of life – then he decides he doesn’t need this kind of bullshit and totally remembers why he dumped the bitch in the first place and they’re both better off for it.

I threw the drink.
your move holy man.

My last response to Mikey sums it all up in my usual dosages of prose, sober comment, compassion, stern explanation and ruthless logicality that Roger Ebert called “the best to hit the internet in years”. It’s an explanation in response to him whining about his attempts being hopeless and if I “clearly whole heartedly hate” him and blah blah – you’ll see. Here’s it be at for y’all to take awn in:

Michael, the opposite of love isn’t hate. it’s apathy.
there’s lots of that with me towards you, but clearly not 100% as you can see the length of the responses [you get].
so no, I don’t “whole heartedly hate” you. I think you’re a selfish opportunistic ass whose narcissism led him to devalue any friends that could be seen as dominant or hindering to a new decidedly consequence-free lifestyle you thought would lead you to happiness and when it failed, you come back to the friends you sneered at in the past while retaining the same resentment you had for them when you hastily cut them out of your life.

I’d love to be proved wrong.
I’ve always doubted I would.

And that… meui dea frens…is the situation with Mikey.

Mikey gets read the riot act

I SAID GOOD DAY! or no. no I didn’t. but that’s the only thing missing from this speech I just popped off to Mikey the highschool-best-friend-turned-douche.

He requested me on Facebook 2 or 3 years ago and I accidentally accepted it because I was still new to its un-myspacelike user interface. Once I realized he was on my friends list though, I gave an open mouthed gasp while letting my monocle drop from my eye and promptly deleted him. I guess he didn’t notice for awhile and requested me again months later. I accepted it by adding a “how do you know this person” detail (a feature in Facebook that lets people know how you know your friends list friends, be it school, work, S&M night at Scavo’s, etc) that the other person has to approve and in it I wrote:

Since he has to confirm this and didn’t, we remained not-friends on Facebook and he messaged me messaged me saying something like “Geez Bushnell. I continue to be baffled by your reaction to me. I know we’re not best of friends anymore but Facebook friends are different than real life friends. they’re more like associates”.

I rolled my eyes and was about to ignore the message when I felt a little bad since this loser is SO dumb and SO brain damaged by drugs an alcohol that he really probably doesn’t understand the reaction he’s getting. So I figured it was my duty as a decent human being to explain to him why he himself is not one, and also to put some of your curious minds to rest if you’re unclear on why he no longer appears in references and videos on richardland. SO… this is the message I sent him. It is an overshare of personal information in a style I probably should have ceased at High School’s end but that would kindov be going against the spirit of Richardland, so logged in its public history it must be. SO… this is the message I sent him.

I particularly like my use of “ever ever ever” and “but not me… [second line:] not me”. mmm. Poetry!

you have nothing to be baffled by.

Between Michael Glaser and You

you’re not an acquaintance.
you’re only a thin hairs tic away from being a full blown enemy, whose life i plan to make difficult in as many ways possible.

sorry your memory sucks but we arent old chums who drifted apart by chance or life circumstance and just kinda became less palzy with eachother over time.

you were a friend close enough to be family. i plucked your dorky butt from obscurity and made you a partner in the industry of my life. i had your back in battles of friends, school, your family, and love life despite having no personal gain and often receiving negative consequences from it. then you started to be kindov a crappy person that was less considerate of our friends, less interested in our own friendship, more selfish, and less prudent in life choices, but that was still whatevs until you outright betrayed me. but even after that i gave you a chance to keep a friendship and you said the most disgustingly amnesiac (root word “amnesia”) response as if i was just some dude you had met in the quad one day and had a cool convo with one time or something.

you changed into a person not worthy of my respect, became apathetic about me when i was still just as much on “your team”, then you betrayed me in a heinous way, then acted like i was nobody to you.

so go to hell. we are not friends on any level and you dont get the benefit of ever being positively associated with me ever ever ever.

you contact me every few years not with reconciliation, not with life reflection, not with sorrow or regret or a resolve to make things right – you just say “hey” and then act like you dont understand when youre not well recieved.

your strategy that time heals all wounds is probably workable with anyone else given the right amount of time.
but not me.
not me.

lolz. The only unfortunate part of this is that there’s a 50/50 chance that he is not in on the joke of my writing structure anymore because that fun-part-of-life about him is probably dead. To me, this is a hilariously tragic soap opera worthy to be treated as such. It’s not a joke – it’s not a game (the sting of his betrayal was real and legitimately unforgivable without even suggestion of proper pennance, but things like that get emotionally dead to me after having gone through the mourning period) – but it IS silly relationship drama. So is he in on the candy coating of humor over this bitter pill? did he read this dramatically as intended? who cares. not I, said the duck. which is why i’m sharing it here. Batman Out.

Batman Out.

A sad end to an era…

Still in the aftermath of Nick and Feminine Mikey betraying me to help my girlfriend lie her way into sneaking off to Ryans college for the weekend for drinking and sexing

The real downer here is less so much that another disease ridden skank i saw potential in turned out to be just an empty vesseled loser slutbag with no soul, but more so that…

dude… Ryan is gone for good now…
dude… Mikey really jumped ship there…
dude… Wheeler and Bussey outlasted Ryan and Mikey…
dude…….. 🙁

I may not be a good liar when it comes to other people but when its myself, i’m friggin awesome at it and my richardland doubles of these people were pretty much the opposite of their current states.

richardland Alice: flawed but resilient
REAL Alice: slutty skank

richardland Ryan: most dependable partner in crime
REAL Ryan: most back-stabbiest criminal in partners

richardland Mikey: loyal to Richard no matter what
REAL Mikey: Richard who? fuck that guy

richardland Nick: just kinda follows the crowd
REAL Nick: …well, that ones pretty much the same, but still – the others are big disappointments…

Like, when Ryan was just trying to fuck my girlfriend through emails and not actually thrusting his beer boner past the 900 other inscriptions of “so-and-so Was Here” markings on her vaginal walls, it was easy to brush off and chalk us up to still probably rejoining in the future and living life like we were supposed to…

The plan behind cultivating this group of friends was entirely to build life-long friendships. it might sound stupid to hear someone say thats what they had in mind when they were making high-school associates, but i’m not ashamed of it. I created this group of friends from scratch, pulling together hand picked models representing a distinct walk of life on purpose, and I wanted these to be my guys. my entourage when i’m a movie star. my buddies that come sailing with me in the Greecian islands on holiday when i’m a billionaire. my confidants when my presidential administration is accused of misconduct with an intern — THIS was it… and now thats gone. these shmucks are my enemies now. they’re on… the list…

I wanted to love these little douchebags, but instead… well, i’ll let the Phantom of the Opera say it for me in a creepier but more melodic fashion:

(UPDATE: .wmv embed replaced with Youtube embed)

Well… its on fuckers… this elephant doesn’t forget, and revenge is a dish best served cold. Know what that phrase means? It means that the revenge is hot and fresh out of the oven right now… im gonna put that shit on the window sill to cool off. its gonna sit. grow some mold. fester and decay. probably ferment a little as it rots. then, years and years down the line – OH, looggit that… a shitstorm caused by an old friend that you decided to fuck over. nothing violent or godforbid, illegal – dont insult me with such pettiness. just good old fashioned icy cold justice, straight up.

Mikey the racist homophobic Mac hater.

The Following is the transcript from a conversation with my poor misguided friend Mike Glaser. All I wanted to do was share my new ad slogans for Apple computers so I could be on their user featured commercials they have and there goes Mikey…injecting his bigoted views wherever he can… Please pray for him.

Richar900: Greetings Michael. -I was just wondering if you’d take a look at some recent Macintosh slogans I made up. Here’s the first one :
don’t do crack! -buy a mac…. “

MicMan02: thats so gay

Richar900: or how bout “you’re PC is crapple…so why not go apple?” (apple.com)

MicMan02: crapple isn’t a word…

Richar900: -yes it is, look it up jackass (but make sure you have the right dictionary cuz yours might be broken)

MicMan02: ahh yes, i see

Richar900: how bout “if you like snacks – you should buy macs” cuz I mean – everybody likes snacks ya know?

MicMan02: that doesn’t even make any sense

Richar900: yea it does. its connecting the pleasure and easy access of snacks to computer electronics. its genius

MicMan02: iMovie is preloaded onto it…you should mess around with that

Richar900: yea, i want to get the files on my pc on it but I don’t know how. …and I have stuff thats too big for burning

MicMan02: you have single files that are too big to fit on a cd?

Richar900: yea – my short movies are on there like popcorn (not on there LIKE popcorn – but they’re on there.. one of those films being named “popcorn”)

MicMan02: well that sucks large black penis

Richar900: …Michael, that sexual reference is unneeded and offensive. The fact that you inject a color to it makes it a racial slur and that’s wrong. I’m afraid that on behalf of African Americans across the globe I think you should apologize immediately.

MicMan02: is there any way you can chop it up and do it in chunks? (the file, not the nigger dick)

Richar900: Mikey…please…Although I don’t condone racist comments under any guise, I find this particular degradation of African Americans insulting and reprehensible. -besides…im on a PC.. PC’s aren’t as good as macs for many reasons

Richar900: I strongly suggest you look into it more, macs are pretty cool if you just give them a chance

MicMan02: richard….i’ve had a mac for longer than you have…i made that arguement to YOU a long time ago.

Richar900: Mikey…when will you understand? You’ve made these same misconceptions since I’ve known you. You need to change with the times and realize that no matter what you say : Macs are cool, Blacks are cool, and “Argument” only has one “E” . -but it’s fine for now… I won’t hurt your pride big fella any more- its ok

Richar900: we can just move on from here 🙂 (you little rascal you)

MicMan02: but its true…i’ve been telling YOU that YOU should get a mac for years…but you didn’t want to because they didn’t have a right mouse button…

MicMan02: remember, you almost bought my G4…remember richard…REMEMBER!

Richar900: “macs are for macs”

Richar900: -hows that? you like that one?

MicMan02: you’ve only enjoyed their superior performance for a few days now…while i’ve had them in my life for years.

Richar900: “if your name is Josh – buy a MacinTOSH” -what about that? I mean – everyone named Josh will be compelled to buy!!

MicMan02: you’re retarded.

Richar900: “next time you’re at hooters…don’t be like my friend mike glaser who is stupid and hates macintosh computers…and black people”

Richar900: it’s GOLD!

MicMan02: thats the gayest one yet

MicMan02: you can’t buy macs at hooters.

Richar900: no – it just makes you think about it. cuz then you’re like…”boobs…macs…-i want one!”

MicMan02: ahh, i see. i have to go get some lunch….because of your input, i’ll now definetly consider the apple computer corporation when purchasing my next home computer.

Richar900: I’m glad to hear it Michael… now if only I could get you away from the Hate…Away…from the hate… talk to you later homophobic racist Mac hating buddy.

MicMan02: see ya (and death to all those different than me. -especially the black people…I hate them.)