Tag Archives: Health

Chronicles of sickness

I was staying at Jimmy’s house in St Louis and sleeping in his 3 year old daughters room since she was at her grandparents for the weekend. Well, she came back Sunday night instead of Monday so my ass was moved to the couch, where I was able to receive night number 2 of zero to 4 hours of sleep. This is just what the virus wanted. and it rubbed its little virussey palms together in satisfaction.

Monday: So I wake up and feel tired, droopy and have a cottonhead. Cottonhead isn’t a medical term even in slang, so don’t bother googling – I’m just saying my head felt like Cotton. You know – thick, fluffy, airy, the fabric of our lives. That kinda thing. So now what the eff am I supposed to do? I had previously considered staying in Missouri till the weekend when Wheeler would be back, but I couldn’t battle an oncoming fever virus with no juice,fruits,soups&meds on a couch for a whole week. I’d die. So I had to leave that day. But where? To home in California? eff that. My mom IMed me asking when I was leaving and I mentioned I was getting sick and that maybe I should stop by her place before going home. She said “yes. ok. come here” and booked me on the 2 o’clock flight to Texas. Go mom.

Afternoon: The whole plane ride I was fighting back the urge to vomit. I got the sickness bag ready in the seat pocket in front of me but never had to use it. Made the entire ride very uncomfortable though since I had to constantly concentrate on the back of my throat and be like “noo… no… ah!… noo..” the same way I do when I put a treat in front of my dog and make him sit and look at it till I say “okay” and he looks back and forth between me and the treat while leaning forward ever so slightly.
My dog was puke in that metaphor in case that was hard to follow btw.

Night: I made it to Texas, got my bag, and finally relaxed my defenses and let the virus take over. Despite picking up steaks at Costco on the way home, per my dads request, I passed them up when they were grilled and pretty much just collapsed and fell into the trippy whirlwind of feverland. It was like my head was a gas stove that had been on low for 2 days and when I was at last in surroundings where I could sleep, eat and be taken care of comfortably, my body said “FINALLY!” and turned the flame on to high. I think I even heard the “Pffffoo” blast too. Which sucks because that’s really great imagery, but gas grills are becoming scarce so I’m dating this post and in 8 years or so no one is gonna understand wtf I was talking about.

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