Tag Archives: Missouri

Tyler (from Missouri) in California

Havent talked to Tyler Houser in 7 years. so I was more than a little shocked when I saw him in the produce aisle of the fkking grocery store here in Southern California…

I walked 2 steps into Ralphs here in Thousand Oaks and hear “RICHARD!”. I look out yonder past the oranges and a tall bearded Lumberjack is approaching me. I dont recognize the face so clearly this is a stranger mistaking me for someone else or talking to someone behind or nearby m—oh my god it’s Tyler…

(videos of me & tyler here: http://rtv.richardland.com/index.php?s=tyler – though they use the old player which is very buggy now)

Goodbye Missouri. California here I come…

The house that was my home for the last few years – the most developmental years of richardness – is now empty and belongs to someone else.

My green Grand Am, the 3rd car designated as mine but the first that I’ve owned in this short time since I’ve been driving, is jam packed with my essentials. Most of my possessions have been boxed away with my parents stuff and will find a new home in the Richard-wing of their new house in Texas. I bring with me only a few key items, clothes and a ton of useless crap that makes me, me and will make my new room, Richard’s Room.

This is the second time I’m leaving Missouri, as I lived here shortly when I was 5, but then I went back east. This time, I go west… west to Hollywood (or an hour north of it at my grandparents old house. whatever). West to fame and stardom. I started in New York, rested here in the midwest for awhile, and now to the far leftest coast of these United States. No where to go after that…

Living History Log:

  1. New York: Birth-1986
  2. St Louis: 1986-1988
  3. New York: 1989-1998
  4. St Louis: 1998-2003
  5. California: 2003-?

I lived in St Louis for one year when I turned 5, and 5 years when I turned… into a man.

*que inspirational music*

Though I leave Missouri as I came: friendless, in need of an indentity reformatting and uncertain of what will develop from my new change of address – I will remember my time here fondly.