Tag Archives: nephews

How is it that they just don’t “get it”?

I’ve noticed a pattern with my elder relatives that they continually make, what to me, are really weird and always negative assessments of me either at large or in a specific encounter with them.


My nephews on the other hand, as they get older, are slowly appearing to realize that Uncle Rich is more brilliant-authority-figure and less coocoo-bananas-clown than maybe they previously thought and it’s interesting to see them do the calculations and adjust their assessment internally based on their observations and everything but it  also highlights the contrast of how dense so many adults are. Why are these kids getting wise to my life-of-satire when the generations ahead of them are continually so unable to detect the should-be-obviousness to whats going on in front of them?

I’m inclined to blame this on a lack of thoughtfulness on the part of the person who consistently and repeatedly doesn’t understand the tone of other peoples behavior but it’s possible that age is a factor as well. People may just get jaded the older they get and learn by experience to take everything literally where as a younger person – free of the endless cynicism of life – is more receptive to jokes being inserted into every day interactions.


Whatever the case may be. No one but the innocence of a childs mind can know my struggle…


Nephew’s bathroom humor goes terribly wrong

Nephew: Okay guys, I really can’t help this one so I’m gonna apologize in advance…

Richard: [doing the math in deducing that he was talking about a fart] THE HELL you are, boy. Get the hell out onto the balcony before you release any krakkens. NOW

Nephew: [Runs over to the open balcony door, giggling and turns around, pointing his butt outward to the open night] Hello world! Heeeere you goooo!

[proceeds to pass gas]…

Family laughs, despite knowing we shouldnt as a look of surprise and alarm overcomes nephew face before he holds his butt running to the bathroom saying:

“Oh man, it was a poop. IT WAS A POOP!”

[the bathroom door slams shut. and the family erupts in laughter that could only be described, coincidentally enough, as “losing our shit”]


(ps: the nephew is Riley…)

Minecraft? More like THEIRcraft, amirite??

I used to have nephews before there was Minecraft. Now I just have these short dudes who spend all day & night glued to le Xbox.

Thanks for ruining families, Sweden…

I dont understand the appeal of this nonsense anyway. You walk around in a highly pixelated world of box people and animals and fight generic monsters and insects, Atari style and collect things and build them within a world that has no back story, no plot and no information whatsoever. You’re not on a quest for gold, or fortune or to save a princess or to escame anything but the boredom of life – the point of the game is evidently to chop down trees and dig holes… wtf??