Tag Archives: nohome

Kids think my house is cool…

lol @ all these trick-or-treaters commenting on how bomb dotcom my sick pad is. That’s right kiddies. “Don’t forget to tell your older sisters how cool it/I was”.

The funny part is that I didn’t put up anything for Halloween. This is just how my house always is… 

At first I was offended since I had this whole “swing the door open with a grand-presenters stance” thing goin on and they looked right through me into my entryway and into my back yard and started commenting on that instead of what I always expect to be the forefront of everyones attention at all times: Me. But I warmed up to it after making the connection that it is *my* house after all, so their awe is legitimately MY awe, validating me as a human being, so all is not lost. God. Is this what you douchebags who trick out their cars think and feel like? Your lives must be sad and empty :(.

I think I was also unprepared for it because everyone who comes here falls into 1 of 3 not-impressed-by-Richards-shit categories as they’re
1-Friends who have been to previous living quarters of mine and know how I live so they expect it,
2-Employee’s and business partners coming here to work on a media project in my Studio Wing and are overwhelmed by the general experience to where much of a reaction doesn’t come out &
3-Elitist bitches who view enthusiasm and positivity as a currency that they think depreciates if they transact too much of it and so they withhold positivity as a power move – especially to people like me who have that whole “ooo, I think i’m seoOo great” schtick goin on that they’re not smart enough to get in any deeper way than it’s surface literalness so the last thing they want to do is feel like they’re giving me leverage by implying in any way that they accept that premise, causing them to be 30% snottier than they already were.
Similar scenario when my 9 & 18 year old nephews were here for a day before we went over to Hawaii over the summer: 9 year old Riley went bananas (though for some reason the hands-down winner was my punch bowl fountain) while the eldest was more “screw you and your fabulous wonderland of Awesome, Uncle Rich…”.

I also get jaded to my own eccentricities since, ka-derr – I live with them erry day – and they’re not only never enough, but I haven’t even reached completion of phase 1 for me to then quickly get bored with and move on to something new and bigger/better.

My entryway, for example, is ultra-dullsville to me with bare-minimum essentials that I basically view as placeholders for the REAL stuff coming soon for when I deck the walls with posters and checkerboard the tiles and trick up the back yard some more. It’s for that reason that I haven’t even really posted much from this house since I moved in earlier this year – cuz it’s not done, Son. But I guess I should explain then what I’m even talking about to give some kind of reference: