Tag Archives: Richard 101

How to be my friend (in order of importance)

4 simple points:


Be loyal

Be good

Be honest

Have good improving skills


That’s all I look for in acquiring and keeping around people I treat and refer to as friends.


Loyalty above all… What is a friend if it’s not loyal? A non-loyal associate is just “someone you know”, not a friend. A friend sticks with you. A friend never abandons. A friend is there looking out for you.


Goodness is needed so I can like you… if you’re not good (meaning: you strive to be and do good. not that you’re without flaw) then I’m uninterested.


Honesty could be argued is a sub-set of goodness but it isn’t really. Goodness is about net positive/negative impact and it isn’t difficult to lie a lot and still have a lot of neutral effect. So since all lies aren’t destructive, anti-lying can’t be a sub-set of goodness. This includes lying to yourself. I can’t be constantly seeing through a persons self-delusions and/or fibs they tell to obfuscate as ways to avoid petty embarrassment or anything similar.


Evolution is important because I am obsessed with it myself and thus I can’t help but see ways my surroundings can likewise improve. If you are stagnant in your evolution then you’re going to hate me and i’m going to not respect you. Lets improve together, not settle.


Let’s be friends.

I live to to work… (not work to live)

Realized something big about myself that I guess I always knew but didn’t… realize. Geez. You’d think I would have crafted that sentence better or at least avoided using “realize” twice. “I came to the realization of something that I suppose I always knew but never truly… — crap. No. There isn’t a better word for it.


Okay – Start over:


I only exist to work and it’s something you should know about me.


While talking about my endless grind and trying to evangelize it to Dwayne across a Steak n Shake table in my trip to Missouri this month he brought up the question of “do you live to work? or work to live?”. The reason for anyone saying that phrase is to highlight the fact that work shouldn’t control you or be your life and that you should remember that you only work so you can live the way you want and not the reverse. But for me, it really is the reverse. I suspect it is for many entrepreneurs but who gives a fkk about them – the point here is that I LIVE TO WORK. It’s what I’m all about. It’s all I care about. It’s the only reason I get out of bed every day.


Not just the act of working – I’m not an oxen for frick sakes – but MY work. My work is my life. It’s more important to me than traveling or building life experiences or comfort or pleasure or ice cream or any other perk of being alive one can think of.


I live to do my work. I’m not on this planet for my tombstone to read “He watched a lot of tv” or “He visited a lot of cool places” or even “He shagged a lot of pretty blonde girls and ate a lot of pizza”. Those things are meaningless in comparison to my actual life’s work. It’s my motivating factor, my life blood, my Force, my existence expressed in action. If I die before it is significantly off the ground then whoah be unto you, mankind, for you missed out on a wild ride. And double whoah unto me personally, for I will have truly wasted my adult life. But oh well. That is the gamble I’m making. This is where all my chips are bet (betted? bought? bit? buttered?). I’m in it to win it and it’s all-in or nothing.


If you know or understand nothing about me – know this: My work is my life and the thing that consumes my entire existence.


Now lets just hope I get to see it to its proper heights and live long enough to enjoy some of its spoils.


Cheers, bitches.