Tag Archives: richards family

There has been a death…

My grandmother is 94 and recently had surgery. my cousin was recently found unconscious and has been in the hospital for bacterial meningitis. my mom just instant messages me saying “someone died… Better catch up!”. I briefly flip out but save face seconds later when I realize she was continuing our conversation from several hours ago about Desperate Housewives. :l

I’m 2 episodes behind. obviously this is the worst option imaginable. either they wrote out Tom instead of fixing the marital problem story arc or they ran out of reasons to keep Carlos or Mike around and one of them either got murdered or Carlos had an accident right after getting sober. idk how im gonna get through the rest of this day now…


Star Wars Spike-a-thon

My family has decided they’re Star Wars fans now that Spike is doing an endless marathon of all 6 movies…

Most facepalm moment so far has been my aunt asking “Is that SamEL Jackson? that’s interesting since he plays the voice of ObiWan in the first 3 movies”…

she’s thinking of James Earl Jones as the voice of Darth Vader…

UPDATE: Conspiracy theorist Asian-Josh asks: “are you suggesting that if Spike did Alex Jones marathons, your family will decide to be 9/11 truthers?”. The answer is of course, no. they have to have heard of the thing and know that its generally held in high regard. so conspiracy scam artists are out, Lethal Weapon, LOTR and other several part entertainment film series are in.

My aunt cleans stuff

Wish I had a “before” picture. not that the place was a pig sty but I’ve been at my Aunts house the past month while she visited her new grand daughter down in Temecula (that’s closer to San Diego, where as I’m closer to Los Angeles – 2.5 hour difference, for you non-Californian viewers) and she didn’t tell me she was coming home today so she just walked in the door.

I guess my cousin Jenny deprived her of any housework during the visit cuz within about 14 and a half minutes of being back, the kitchen was cleaned, dishwasher emptied and refilled, laundry done, hummingbird feeders washed/changed/&filled, a new 3 & 1/2 bottle batch of tea was brewed and contained and godknowswhatelse…

If this kid turns out ugly, I’m gonna be pissed

My brothers middle child of the 3 he has with his current baby momma wife is getting my vote on most likely to be the “almost as good looking as his uncle” one, and if I’m wrong – or worse, if none of them take after their uncle Rich in the hott department – I will be pretty angry and probably love them at least 40% less.

I think the oldest, Riley will be okay and might have a jockish rouged thing going on later in life, and the youngest little droolhead is too hard to tell, though his resemblances to my father make me sad.

But this snotface Rowan appears to have the most head-turner potential and it’s gonna be a huge bummer if he grows up all weird in the face or just kinda inbred Picaso smushed up or something, all of which are entirely possible. His mom is trying him out in the model world a little and hopefully that will set him on the right track of diet [throwing up], exercise (performance enhancing drugs) and an undeserved sense of entitlement and self importance that facilitates being totally hot like his uncle Rich.



My sister is old as f#ck

My half sister Nichole is 40 years old this weekend. Gross. I gave her a cute little card that warns that the content inside contains the “F” word even though I thought it was retarded, cuz I think she knows how old she is, so there’s not a whole lot of suspense that the joke isn’t the word “fuck” printed in the card as one would assume in different context.

I drew her a flattering self portrait on the inside to make it better.


I drew a similar rendering of my cousin Dena who turned 30 recently cuz I’m just all about helping female family members cope with aging.

I’m a jerk now because I fixed my aunts computer (instead of Apple inc)

FILED UNDER: Latest reason I’m an asshole: for doing things I say I will instead of things others expect me to do instead (without telling me).

I woke up today with the hot California sun sniper-targeting my face through the venetian blinds I failed to flip last night from horizontal to vertical. As I pulled the string to raise them and allow the sun to fully welcome the day into my room, I was unaware that every second that I let tick by not calling our nearest Apple computer store was actually irrevocably destroying my aunts day and possibly life.

Evidently an entire day’s schedule had been planned around a field trip to the far off exotic land of The Oaks Mall that was simultaneously so important as to be the foundation for everyone’s day, but also so meaningless as to skip unless the Apple store appointment necessitated the travel.

“What the fruitcake”, you say? Come. walk with me… Continue reading I’m a jerk now because I fixed my aunts computer (instead of Apple inc)

My aunts cut fruit

Every morning my aunt cuts fruit for breakfast and does so for whoever else is there, weather her daughters are visiting or other family.

But I wish she would cut the members most likely to get soggy quickly, last.

I dare not ever make this suggestion however cuz I know the response would be: “oh really? that’s interesting. cuz there’s actually an awesome way around that little problem that I just read about in Martha Stewart Magazine. It’s called ‘cutting your own God damn fruit’. You should check that out, or if that’s to motherfucking hard for you, I guess you could always just go ahead and not wait a million years after its prepared and let the shit leak everywhere before you eat it. Stupid”.

She doesn’t really talk like that. But that would be the sentiment behind the response.

And for that reason I must say nothing.

My brother and his child bride are awesome

My half brother (pops kid, previous marriage, up to speed now? k,cool. lets keep this rollin), whom I spent Thanksgiving with earned a 10% “you’re cool now” credit with this little anecdote he shared at Thanksgiving dinner…

I was seated to the right of his new bride whom he married the week prior and with whom he has 3 children (if you’re doing the math at home, that means that yes, the babies came before the “i do”, but she didnt want to be preggers at her own wedding so it got delayed a few times). The actual numbers aren’t important (mostly because I don’t know them for sure) – she’s a year or so younger than me and he’s a decade plus years older than me. Whatever. So I’m seated next to the dad.. and he says something along lines of me getting married – be it “when are you?” or “soon it’ll be yours” or “i guess you’ll be next huh?” – i don’t remember. also not the important part of the story. The fun started when I gave the answer I always do, which is that my future wife may not even be born yet, and if she is, she’s probably just now learning to read, so lets not jump the gun on the Richards-wedding thing.

So he chuckles and thinks about it for a second out loud, saying “boy, I don’t if I can do that”, to which I ask “what do you mean?” and he sayyyyyyz: “I don know…If I were 30somethin? and gettin together with an 18 year old girl? i just don’t think i’d be able to handle it” – referring to the lifestyle, interests and maturity gap. but the comedy gold comes in that he quickly cut himself off with that thought as he suddenly realized “er, well – i guess it works sometimes though” while making an “oh ya” type hand gesture to my brother and his daughter who are in exactly that situation.

All of that is still the setup to the REAL fun though, which was that that instance got my brother to openly share the fact that he got his now-wife in trouble at school while they were “dating” because the principal caught them “stealin some kisses” a few times when he’d drop her off at high school, adding that “[the principal] didn’t like to see those kinda smooches” with a laugh.

And if that’s not awesome. then – no. nevermind that cliche. it is awesome.

Comedy gold with a gay relative

This recent trip to my apartment in Hawaii was a family affair as we attended the annual owners meeting. As they often do, my aunt and uncle attended but they brought my cousin Steven with them for the first time. Cousin Steven is gay and just recently out of the closet with everyone, which made for such wonderful “All in the Family” moments with my Archie Bunker dad that it was like a constant laugh track just kept playing in my head. Below I have chronicled my list of gay jokes I delivered with excellent timing and to various reacitons:

  • On a hike, one of the people with us had a bag of cashews and almonds and noted that they aren’t roasted, they’re just plain and natural.
    I added that its cool since my cousin has plenty of experience with raw nuts in his mouth.
  • On a different walk, we were going down stairs and he slid down a railing, which left a rust mark on the seat of his shorts, giving way to the remark that now he has a “rusty ass”.
    I said that if you mean rusty as in “out-of-practice”, then you have nothing to worry about.
  • Leaving a destination, we thought he had forgotten a camera there, but his dad had picked it up. So someone commented that “he saved his ass”.
    Only hearing parts of the setup, I jumped in to ask – saving his ass? for what? true love? eh-doubtful.
  • Returning from a hike in the jungle, he complained about how bad the mosquitoes were. No one else who went got bit a single time, so I said “maybe they were fruit flies”.
  • One night after going to a gay bar and not coming home, my aunt was rummaging around thinking out loud and said at one point that “[my cousin] didn’t give me back my hand sanitizer”.
    I chimed in that “I think he needs it more than any of us right now”. (she wasn’t amused)
  • When he finally did come home, him, my uncle and I took off in the car we rented to go meet the ladies who had taken the bus to the swap meet. While loading into the car, my uncle was looking for something and went to the back of the car to ask my cousin to “pop the trunk”.
    I pointed out that “I think he did that last night”.

My Uncle the Snob

My parents and I went to a cousins wedding in Maine in September 2006. I was on a business trip to New York so they flew into JFK and picked me up with a rental car and drove up to Maine for the wedding.

On the way back to New York we drove with some other family groups who were driving to Boston and we all stopped in New Hampshire for lunch. Afterward we all went our separate ways. In the ensuing drive, my dad brought up the annual “you’re a failure doin this internet and Hollywood garbage so when are you going to go to college and make something of your life?” scolding. But this time with an added reason: One of my uncles had noted to my dad that I wasn’t making any money because if I had, then I would (or should) have offered to pick up the check for everyone. Adding further that either of his kids would have surely not allowed anyone but them to pay for the meal.

There are so many things wrong with that, not the least of which being that the comment itself was a totally dick thing to say, but lets explore the most obvious logic holes in my uncle “dog character from Family Guy”s rules of engagement:

The meal attendee’s consisted of my mom, dad, grandma, uncle and his wife, aunt, cousin, cousin2 and her husband and uncle and his wife. 11 people. No one expects my grandma to pay for anything ever anymore so that makes 10 possible check picker uppers. First, there’s the obvious question of why wouldn’t everyone just pay for their own meal – the answer to which, I have no idea. So one could try and figure out the pyramid of each persons “pay for everyone” expectation, but instead of trying to psychoanalyze his thought process, lets just weigh the merit of his end result: *I* should have paid for everyone’s lunch.

Ignoring that it was other people who suggested lunch, picked the place, invited everyone, ect – why would one of the offspring be expected to pay not only for their parents, but for the whole table? Further: I was one of 3 offspring, none of whom offered to pay for the table either. So why was I singled out? and should it matter that my 2 cousins are both 15 years older than I?

What the honkeytonk funkytown was going through my uncle’s rhyme’s- with-fryin’s head that made him think it was at all appropriate, let alone expected for the youngest family member at the table to pay for his extended family to eat a place he didn’t invite them to? Since its impossible to decipher, I shrugged it off to him just being kind of a jerk and moved on.


Fast forward a year later in August 2007, we are down in Coronado (San Diego) for another Bushnell cousins wedding. We go out to dinner the night before the event with a table of 16 or so people. The same uncle sits across from me. Before anyone has ordered, he is already arguing with my dad over who gets to pay for who, cuz that’s just the little competition thing they do to show dominance and status. I’m in amazement at how flipping ridiculous and elitist the whole concept is. Who the hell cares? I keep thinking to myself. “I wanna pay for your dinner tonight” should be answered in this case with a simple “F you, I wanted to pay for YOUR dinner tonight, but since it doesn’t frigging matter to me, I will either accept the offer or say no thank you and we each pay for our own. jolly good brother O!”. It’s not rocket science. And if one feels some smug sense of accomplishment because he force-paid for your meal, then you’re probably doing him a psychological favor.

But no, they bickered and got annoyed with each other over it until an agreement was made. Before and after that though, my uncle made several“Richard’s paying for the meal” jokes – cuz that’s so hilarious and all. Which was awkward because of the “several” aspect (at least 2, but i wanna remember maybe there being a third). One line would have been harr harr, very cute. But bringing it up again in different forms showed definite signs of wtf is with this guy.

For whatever reason, this particular uncle thinks I’m a bum and that no one is pointing it out (or at least not enough). It’s weird. It’s rude. It’s amusing. And yes, despite all his great personal qualities, it makes him a total snob.

Which of course all means that there is some element of truth to it all. Not that I am in any way at any level in any universe in any dimension of known or conceivable reality a bum in any conventional or abstract conservative or loose meaning of the word or its connotations – but the fact that I am easily viewed that way is…problematic.

Not because my own elitism dictates that I never be viewed negatively (even though we all know that is exactly the case at large, but i’m talking about this context specifically) but because of what a specifically unfortunate defamation it is considering my sterling work ethic, big ambitions, and time dedicated to making those ambitions a reality. The problem is that they are all work-for-yourselfy and thus seen as imaginary by traditionalists until after your first million is earned.

I’m annoyed at my uncles characterization of me and even more annoyed that it will be another 15 years probably before I am vindicated in my millions-pay-off, but the truth is that this is a self-marketing reality I don’t have a choice but to deal with. People don’t understand what I do or what I’m trying to do or how I’m trying to do it, and their first reaction given my presentation and demeanor is not that i’m a grindstone working dedicated temporarily downtrodden future millionaire but rather that i’m a bum and a mooch and that totally sucks.

I still think my unk was out of line, but it would be foolish of me to not take note of how I come off, even if its totally unjustified.