Tag Archives: Spidermanning

Burgers and Climbing Stuffs

Back in Los Angeles and out to try my first Edamame Burger (or whatever) that all the trendy kids and cool cats have been talking about.

My taste test resulted in a clear endorsement. The burgerz is goods. so are their fries and so iz be their onion rings after the addition of a half cup of table salt.

Go to one if one is near you because one might be near you. I went with Wyatt and asked him if there “are more of these” and he said no. I finished my meal thinking I was in a special place. Wrong. Dude thought I was talking about a continuous order of fries when I asked the question. Either that or he was trying to hide the fact that there are countless other Unagi Burgers dotted all around Mexifornia and possibly beyond and just cracked under pressure.

But this little update isnt just about burgers, friends. It’s about climbing shit for no reason like a child with A.D.D. when you’re walking to and from a restaurant.

Like I was gonna walk down an alley this narrow and NOT do this…pleez….
(even though I kinda wanna ban this picture cuz it depicts me in my guilty-pleasure babysocks that betray everything I stand for in my championing of tubes-socks 4lyfe)

On the way back, Wyatt even did it too!…kindov.